Multi Purpose Hall
College has an multi-purpose hall which is used to host the College functions and Seminars. College has a multipurpose hall where 140 to 160 students can sit on chairs. This hall is further supported with a elevated platform where 20 to 30 chairs can be placed. This hall is used for various academic, sports and cultural activities.
Information Communication Technology (I.C.T) Education
College has a Computer Lab fully equipped with the latest Computer System with an Broad Band connection known as Information and Communication Technology Education. It’s part of regular curriculum. Well furnished ICT Lab with more than 15 computers and with seating capacity of around 30 students at a time.
Hardware: HP 1007 Laser Jet
HP 3020 Laser Jet All in one with Fax Facility
Wipro Dot Matrix 1050 LQ+Dot Matrix Printer(02)
Internal CD writer with 9 System
Two Pen Drives of 512 MB , 1 GB
Dell Optiplex GX620 (13 No.) Pentium 4 , 3.00 Ghz , 512 MB RAM
Windows XP Professional Addition Service Pack 2
Ubuntu version 9.04,8.10 Linux for human beings
Class Room
College has only four Class-rooms with seating capacity of sixty students. Our college has student strength of 100, divided into two sections and two rooms have been allotted to two sections. And third Room is used for multipurpose.
Arts And Craft Room/Work Experience Room
This room is being used for keeping equipment pertaining to Arts & Crafts. This room is also being used as small dispensary.
Sports Lab
College has a room which is being used as sports store-cum psychology lab.
College has a canteen which is catering to the needs of our students.
Staff Room
College has a staff-room for seating 15 to 20 persons.
Science Equipment Store(Phy, Che, Bio, Maths)
Educational Technology Lab
College has a Educational Lab for our students
Psycology Lab
College has a Psycology Lab for our students
Library College has a library where about 50 students can sit at a time.
The College Of Teacher Education has a rich and established library, satisfying the academic needs of
educational training. Library has encyclopaedia Americana, Britannica, Encyclopaedia of Education System,
Classics, rare books, reference books and books of students interest. College subscribes to about 20
Magazines, Journals and 5 leading newspapers. Library is run by a qualified librarian. Book's are issued
regularly to the students under college rules which are notified on the notice from time to time. We have
approximately 5,000 books.
Reference Volume | |
Books,Gazetteer,Bibliographies,Encyclopedia etc. | 25 |
Educational Books | 3,000 |
Text Books,Journals,Books of General Interest | 1,000 |
Encyclopedia Americana | Volumes |
Encyclopedia Britannica | Volumes |
Encyclopedia Chamber's | Volumes |
Encyclopedia Of Educational System in India | Volumes |
Encyclopedia of World Knowledge | Volumes |
World University Encyclopedia | Volumes |
office adjoining Principal's office for seating 10 persons.
Future Plans
College has the plan to build its own Basket-Ball Court and Multi-Purpose Class Rooms and also the Volley Ball Court.College proposes to build a new building with latest facilities for hostel purpose.