
  • Message from Chairman
    It gives me a great pleasure in putting forth the brief replica of objectives, environment, infrastructure, facilities, faculty, and campus of our institute. As the chairman of Subhash Sharma, I am very pleased to welcome you to our home on the website In this era of information and technology, it has become indispensable to live without the website that provides specific and instantaneous information about the institution and its activities.

  • A beautifully developed and neatly maintained campus provides every facility and environment, required for studies and students’ personality development. Well qualified and experienced faculty members discharge the knowledge to their students whole-heartedly and devotedly. The teachers also act as the guardians of the students and help them in academic as well as domestic problems and motivate them for achieving excellence. We are in constant touch with the parents of our students and keep informing the performance of their wards through correspondence, dialogues and meeting. Along with studies, students have the facility to develop themselves in allied interests like sports, reading and cultural activities. While pursuing the academic excellence, we also take every care in all round personality development of the students.